Often, it is preferable to wear a Bound Helm with its Armor Skill boosts than to wear a Helm with slightly more Armor Rating but no such boost. The other primary advantage is that it is very easy to completely "repair" Bound Items for free by simple unequipping and reequipping the item providing the effect. Uses Charge instead of Magicka: Charge will slowly regenerate over time, and can be recharged with a filled Soulgem. Whatever gear you want to use depends on what you chose. There is no single item in the game with the 500 Enchanting Points necessary to create an Enchantment with 100 Points of one of the 1-Cost Spell Effects. If you want high level heavy armor then Ebony or Deadric will suffice, If you want high level light armor then you want Glass armor. Though Her hand's heavy armor ain't too shabby. That’s the case with iron armor in Morrowind, too. While it is more expensive than a 1 point Slow Fall, Fortify Acrobatics also provides the advantage of increased jump speed and jump height. The Daedric Face of God, a unique and extremely hidden item, has the highest defense of Daedric helms. This enchantment grants the wielder great protection between strikes. Changed class from 'Trader Service' to 'Trader'. While you still take full damage with such an effect in place, some of that damage will have been healed already by the time the next attack comes.

as for dificulty, you probably didnt have good gear, by level 10 I had nothing but full enchanted Glass for armor and Mehrunes razor, but yes, it kinda uses a D&D type bestiary system along with a static one. Since Gauntlets impart only 5% of their Armor Rating to the player anyways, switching a single Gauntlet for a Bound Gauntlet won't lower your overall Armor by all that much. If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up and share this with your freinds. plus the pc version has several mods that remove the whole "saran wrap" effect on enchanted items.